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First Person Project


Our dedicated team of experienced professionals are caring and compassionate, utilising their unique skills and passion to move the work of our not-for-profit organisation forward. We’re always pushing ourselves to stay ahead of the curve and striving to perfect our programmes. Meet some of our incredible team by clicking on their profile

The Liverpool
Mental Wealth



As CEO of First Person Project CIC, I champion collaboration over competition. Our partnerships amplify our impact on communities. Together with Manifestive CIC and My Mate Vinny’s CIC, we prioritise well-being and prosperity. Our commitment to the community is unwavering, aiming for lasting change. We are The People’s Mental Health Service, pioneering socially progressive models.

- Matty Caine, Founder & CEO, First Person Project C.I.C

My Mate Vinnys CIC
Manifestive CIC

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Self-referral and 3rd party referral

and Awards

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