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Megan Fenney

Project Coordinator

What is your role and day-to day activities at First Person Project?

My role at FPP is forever changing and involves so many different areas! One day I can be arranging and undertaking one-to-one sessions, the next I could be facilitating groups within the community. It can also involve networking in the community promoting mental health or even just having a cuppa with anyone who needs one. Ultimately, my goal is to promote positive mental health in the community without boundaries however that looks! 

What connection/experience have you had with mental health?

I have always struggled with mental health, being a known 'worrier' at school which has only grown over the years. I have found myself over the years allowing the worrying to control my behaviour, letting it to consume my life. I found this consumption of worry then coming out in all aspects of my life, meaning I was living in through the 'fears of what if' rather than the here and now. I am now studying at Edge Hill university which as given me a huge insight to why I might be worrying, which has been really helpful for me. 

What is your role and day-to day activities at First Person Project?

What connection/experience have you had with mental health?
If you had a day off to recharge your mental health, what would your ideal day look like? What activities would you enjoy?

My ideal day would always be with my family. I find quality time really beneficial for me, as long as I am with my family and friends, especially my husband, I am having the best time. I really enjoy a day out, especially exploring different countries and cultures. However, I also love nothing more than being at home on a Sunday for a duvet day getting some snacks in and watching a good series!

What's the most memorable piece of advice you've received regarding mental health, and how has it influenced your approach?

I think the most memorable piece of advice I received was 'For every negative 'what if' there is a positive 'what if', think of the possibilities not just the negatives'. I found this extremely helpful, being someone who always considers the negative 'what ifs'. It's allowed me to think 'yes this negative may happen, however these 5 positives may also happen', so this has really helped me think more positively. 

What is your role and day-to day activities at First Person Project?

What connection/experience have you had with mental health?
What do you enjoy most about working for First Person Project?

I absolutely love the connection that comes with FPP. In the current world, I think connection is so important and empowering and it is at the heart of FPP. I love connecting with different people from different walks of life, hearing everyone's stories and sharing knowledge to strengthen the community. 

What positive attributes do you bring to the First Person Project team?

I think I can bring a new perspective to FPP. Being an organised individual I think can add a critical perspective to enable the team processes and groups to be perfected. I also am looking forward to growing with the team and learning from the community to be the best at my job!

What is your role and day-to day activities at First Person Project?

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